The Moto Ambulance Project--efficiency in saving lives at hand

Project Description

  • Budget (USD): 145K
  • Beneficiaries: 2.5 M
  • Motorcycles: 16
  • Missions Accomplished: 160
  • Status: ongoing
  • Category: Beirut | Jouniyeh | Jbeil | Batroun | Tripoli | Damour | Saida | Tyr | Hadath | Zahleh | Baalbeck | Aley
How it Began
Traffic is the main barrier to providing prompted and efficient Emergency Medical Services. It takes an average of half an hour for ambulances to reach their destination, which delays CPR and the first-aid support needed, decreasing the chances of survival in many cases. 

Lebanon suffers from a high number of road accidents that happens every year, causing many fatalities and injuries. According to the WHO, deaths per 100K people in Lebanon is 22.6, which is around 1,088 deaths and 12,340 injuries per year. According to the World Bank, the direct estimated loss is 1.2B USD.

How it Works

The Moto Ambulance project provides an innovative solution to the rapid response problem, especially in highly condensed areas. Motorcycles equipped with first-aid kits and trained paramedics arrive before the regular ambulance to stabilize injured people and increase their chances of survival. The Moto Ambulances will not rule out the role of regular ambulances. Any time an accident occurs, both the motorcycle and the ambulance will be dispatched. 

In April 24, 2019, 6 Moto Ambulances were delivered to the Civil Defense to cover the Beirut area.

In August 7, 2019, 10 Moto Ambulances were delivered to the Civil Defense to cover the following areas:

Jbeil, Batroun, Tripoli, Nabatieh, Saida, Tyr, Hadath, Zahleh, Baalback, Alley.

By October 2019, more than 250 emergency missions were conducted by the Moto Ambulance

Partners: Bank Audi, Goodwill Ambassadors Saada Al Assaad Fakhry and Ghaleb Farha, LBCI, Civil Defense, Champs Fund, National Road Safety Council.

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